Welcome To Lane Life

By Gary Hulsenberg

1 min read

Have you ever…

Have you ever had so much going on that you can’t answer the simple question, what’s new with you?

It’s hard to answer because you don’t know where to start. Your mind starts reeling and you get anxious, and rather than go through the entire laundry list of things flying around, the only words that come out of your mouth are, “not much, how about you?”

Your friends at Storm have been in a constant state of change in recent months… heck, years! We recently sat down and looked at each other and said, “What’s going on with our news section?” We have a million fun things happening and we aren’t sharing them.

This led to a whole discussion about does anyone really want to read the “news” anyway?

For the most part, the news is riddled with bad news or stories created to provoke a reaction. So why would we call the place we want to share fun and informative stories with you, “the news”?

So, we are changing our news section to something much more exciting and fun that you will want to come back to every day and visit. At Lane Life, you’ll share a laugh, learn a little, read a positive story, or get up to date on all things bowling.

Best of all, all Lane Life articles will be written by real team members, not professional writers! Our team is excited to share their expertise and love of the game with you. Our pledge as we launch Lane Life, is to bring you straight forward and engaging content you’ll enjoy reading.

Welcome to Lane Life. Tell a friend and come back often!

Gary H

Gary Hulsenberg - VP of Marketing