A.J. Johnson


I was born and raised in Oswego, IL (40 min outside of Chicago) and grew up around bowling from the age of 3. Bowling has not always been my number one sport as I was involved in many sports as a kid all the way through high school; having a dream to one day be a Professional Athlete. I was a 3 sport athlete all 4 years of high school which did include bowling for 3 years. At Oswego High School we brought back a 3rd place finish at state, and I also broke the 3 game IHSA record (857).

As bowling began to become more prevalent, my involvement in the youth tour in Illinois and the Junior Gold program was much more serious and motivated. Through all of the sports I have played I have always been a very focused and driven athlete, which has led me to a bowling scholarship at McKendree University, a degree in Sports Management, and eventually a career on the PBA Tour.

Being involved in sports my whole life, I didn’t spend much time inside as it was spent outside playing anything I could. I enjoy playing golf, working out, and spending as much time with my family as possible when I am not traveling or on the lanes. I also enjoy watching sports and have found a new interest in hockey; I am a die hard Chicago Blackhawks fan, but I do enjoy football and baseball.

My family has been a huge factor in my career and the person I am today, including my 4 year old nephew who loves to do everything I do. As for music, I listen to just about everything as long as it sounds good to me, but my favorite is rock and rap.


  • 2016 Proprietors Cup Champion
  • 2015 USBC Masters Runner Up
  • 2 PBA Regional Titles
  • 2015 PBA Midwest Rookie of the Year
  • 2-Time Team USA Member and Junior Team
  • 4-Time Collegiate All-American

For full PBA statistics of A.J. Johnson, click here.